

This is not intended to be a guide to Rome – you might want to buy a book such as “Time Out” or “Lonely Planet” for that. All I have done below is list some of the major monuments and museums in Rome – their addresses and entrance fee. Please note that a great deal of monuments and museums close on Mondays to recharge after the inevitable weekend tourist invasion.

Ara Pacis Museum, lungotevere in Augusta.

Entrance fee is €6.50                      06 82059127


Arco di Constantino, Piazza del Colosseo

06 39967700


Baths of Caracalla (Terme di Caracalla), Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

Entrance is €6 and opening hours are 9am til 4.30pm (on Mondays from 9 am til 2 pm)
Guided tours only available in Italian.


Bocca della Verità (Mouth of Truth), in the portico of the Santa Maria Church,piazza Bocca della Verità

Opening hours are from 9am til 6.30pm.

06 32810


Borghese Museum, Piazzale Scipione Borghese.

Opening hours are from 9am til 7pm. Closed Mondays.
Entrance is €8.50. Guided tours available in Italian and English

06 67102071


Capitoline Museum, Piazza del Campidoglio

Opening hours are from 9am til 8pm. Closed Mondays.
Entrance is €8 plus exhibition supplement. Guided tours only in Italian.

06 39967600


Castel Sant’Angelo, Lungotevere Castello 50

Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum, then used as a fortress, prison and palace by the popes – there is a tunnel underneath which leads to the Vatican. Opening hours are from 9am til 8pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance is €5. Guided tours in English and Italian available if you book in advance on 06 39967600.


Circo Massimo (Ancient Rome’s major chariot racing venue), Via del Circo Massimo.


Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum ruins

Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo


Palatine: entrance at Piazza S. Maria Nova 53 and Via S. Gregorio 30     06 39967700


Roman Forum: entrances at Largo Romolo e Remo 5-6 and Piazza S. Maria Nova 53.

For information call 06 39967700. Opening hours are from 9am til 4.30pm. Entrance to the Colosseum and Palatine ruins is €9 plus €2 for exhibitions (last entry is one hour before closing). Admission to the Roman Forum is free. Guided tours available in English and Italian.    06 39967700


Domus Aurea, Via Labicana 136

Emperor Nero’s residence. Opening hours are from 9am til 7.45pm. Closed Tuesdays. Booking essential. Entrance fee is €5 plus €1.50 booking fee. Guided tours in English and Italian available when booking.

06 322981


Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131

National collection of modern art. Opening hours are from 9am til 7.30pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance is €6.50.

06 6784235


Keats-Shelley Memorial House, Piazza di Spagna 26

Opening hours are from 9am til 1pm and 3pm til 6pm Mondays to Fridays and 11am til 2pm and 3pm til 6pm on Saturdays. Entrance fee is €3.50


Keyhole view of the Vatican

Aventino – the building of the Malta Cross, there is a keyhole through which you have the most amazing view of the Vatican

06 5926135


Museo della Civiltà Romana, Piazza G. Agnelli 10, EUR

Opening hours are from 9am til 7pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance fee is €6.20.

06 67108346




Museo di Roma, Via S. Pantaleo 10

Opening hours from 9am til 7pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance is €6.20. Guided tours available in English and Italian if booked in advance on 06 82077304.

06 39967700


Palazzo Altemps, Piazza S. Apollinare 46

Ancient sculptures from the Museo Nazionale Romano. Opening hours from 9am til 7.45pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance fee is €5

06 32810


Palazzo Barberini, Via Barberini 18

National collection of 13th to 16th century paintings. Opening hours from 9am til 7pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance fee is €5

06 68802323


Palazzo Corsini Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Via della Lungara 10.

National art collection of 16th and 17th century paintings. Opening hours from 8.30am til 1.50pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance fee is €4

06 46991


Palazzo del Quirinale, Piazza del Quirinale

Formerly a summer papal residence but since 1946 it has been the home of the President of Italy. Opening hours from 8.30am til 12.30pm every Sunday. Entrance fee is €5

06 699941




Palazzo Venezia Museum, Via del Plebiscito 118

Opening hours from 9.30am til 7.30pm. Closed Mondays. Entrance fee is €4

06 68300230


Pantheon, Piazza della Rotonda

Opening hours from Monday to Saturday are 8.30am til 7.30pm and 9am til 6pm on Sundays. Free entrance.

06 70454544


Roman domus on the Celio, Clivo di Scauro

Ancient Roman buildings reopened to the public after major restoration. Opening hours are from 10am til 1pm and 3pm til 6pm. Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Entrance fee is €6.


Spanish Steps, Piazza di Spagna


Trevi Fountain/Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Trevi



Please note that dress codes are strictly enforced. You will not be allowed in wearing shorts, skirts above the knee or tops which show your shoulders. Also you cannot bring buggies into the Vatican itself.

Open daily from 7am til 7pm. Entrance is free but you will have to pay to go up to the top of the Dome, the Treasury Museum and the Vatican Gardens.

06 69883860



Vatican Museums (including the Sistine Chapel), Viale del Vaticano

Opening hours from Monday to Saturday from 8.45am til 1.45pm. Closed Sundays except last Sunday of the month when the museum is free of charge. Normal entrance fee is €12.

06 6991718


Vittoriano, Piazza Aracoeli

Monument to the first King of Italy. Admission free. Opening hours from 9.30am til 4.30pm


Piazza/Squares to visit

Piazza di Spagna – Spanish Steps

Piazza del Popolo – at the end of Via del Corso

Piazza Navona

Campo de’ Fiori

Piazza Venezia

Piazza del Campidoglio

Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere