Meet with Stellene Volandes

February 2017 Winnetka, Neapolitan Store

Guests from along the North Shore including myself flocked to the fashionable Neapolitan Store in Winnetka for a special book signing with Town & Country magazine Editor-in-Chief Stellene Volandes. Fashion-focused shoppers enjoyed cocktails while flipping through the pages of Volandes’ latest work, JEWELER: Masters, Mavericks, and Visionaries of Modern Design, available for purchase during the event at Kelly Golden’s boutique. Featured jewelry designer Nicholas Varney and Town & Country Publisher Jennifer Levene Bruno also made an appearance.

Me, Stellene Volandes and Dustin O’Regan

Stellene’s book Masters, Mavericks and Visionaries of Modern Design

My book signed by Stellene 🙂